Anna S. Nichenko, PhD

Graduated: 2020

Dissertation: Autophagy: An essential process for maintaining muscle function after injury and throughout life

AwardsDissertation Completion Award (University of Georgia Graduate School), Caroline tum Suden/Frances Hellebrandt Professional Opportunity Award (American Physiological Society), Soule Award (University of Georgia Department of Kinesiology)

Publications from Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction Lab:

  1. Nichenko AS, Southern WM, Atuan M, Luan J, Peissig KB, Foltz SJ, Beedle AM, Warren GL, Call JA. 2016. Mitochondrial maintenance via autophagy contributes to functional skeletal muscle regeneration and remodeling. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 311(2):C190-200.
  2. Southern WM, Nichenko AS, Shill DD, Spencer CC, Jenkins NT, McCully KK, Call JA. 2017. Skeletal muscle metabolic adaptations to endurance exercise training in mice are attainable with simvastatin. PLoS One 12(2):e0172551. 
  3. Xie L, Yin A, Nichenko AS, Beedle AM, Call JA, Yin H. 2018. Transient HIF2A inhibition promotes satellite cell proliferation and muscle regeneration. Journal of Clinical Investigation 128(6):2339-2355.
  4. Greising SM, Warren GL, Southern WM, Nichenko AS, Qualls AE, Corona BT, Call JA. 2018. Early rehabilitation for volumetric muscle loss injury augments endogenous regenerative aspects of muscle strength and oxidative capacity. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 19(1):173.
  5. Southern WM, Nichenko AS, Tehrani KF, McGranahan MJ, Krishnan L, Qualls AE, Jenkins NT, Mortensen LJ, Yin H, Yin A, Guldberg RE, Greising SM, Call JA. 2019. PGC1-alpha overexpression partially rescues impaired oxidative and contractile pathophysiology following volumetric muscle loss injury. Scientific Reports 9(1):4079.
  6. Nichenko AS, Southern WM, Tehrani KF, Qualls AE, Flemington AB, Mercer GH, Yin A, Mortensen LJ, Yin H, Call JA. 2020. Mitochondrial-specific autophagy linked to mitochondrial dysfunction following traumatic freeze injury in mice. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 318(2):C242-C252.
  7. Call JA and Nichenko AS. 2020. Autophagy: an essential but limited cellular process for timely skeletal muscle recovery from injury. Autophagy 16(7):1344-1347.

Current Position: Postdoc, Virginia Tech, Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise